Bug Sweeps / TCSM / Digital Forensics


Do you need to extract digital data from a smartphone, tablet, laptop or computer?
We offer licensed experts in digital investigations. We can extract and analyze your digital data in a forensically safe manner that will be admissible in court as evidence for both criminal and civil cases. All of our examiners in forensics have helped out with hundreds of cases in the state of Texas. Whether it’s a divorce or an embezzlement case, we can offer you an investigation solution that will serve your needs. Our services will save you money and you won’t have to hire a multitude of companies to find the information that you’re requiring for your court case. We use cutting edge technology and our experts have a background in corporate as well as business issues.

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We analyze massive amounts of information via our cutting-edge technology. We use digital forensics to uncover the evidence. Regardless of your data being in a laptop, mobile device, desktop, laptop or a cloud storage you’re sure to find the evidence that you require without having to struggle. We use only the latest technology on all of our cases. Information that has been stored electronically is found for your case. Whether it’s an email, a document or a web content we’ll find it. It’s long been estimated that over 70 percent of content never existed as hard copy, we can find and give you the email trail in digital form and you;ll have all of the information that you require. It doesn’t matter what electronic form the information is in, we’ll find it for you and you can use it for your case evidence.

Licensed Digital Forensics Experts
Courts will require that the evidence be obtained in a forensically sound manner. It must be collected appropriately by a licensed private investigator that is certified in such forensic collections. Investigators who collect the evidence must all be licensed and certified for this evidence to be admissible. This includes extensive background checks and governmental agencies like Private Security Bureau. Non-licensed IT personnel won’t be able to admit the information to court, you must have the right credentials for your information to be valid. All personnel collecting data must have the proper licensing credentials or the materials won’t count. Call us at (713) 999-0880 for help.


Data is easy to contaminate and you don’t want to lose your case due to a small error on the collectors part so be sure that you follow this advice in order to be able to use this information in your case in court. There is a lot of detail that must be collected for court.

 Critical data offers the evidence for past, and present activities. If it’s suspicious, you need to make sure that you’re following the requirements for the proper collection. From digital form to cloud form you’ll want to ensure that you have all of the details. Even social media posts can be found. We also use innovative computer forensics to help extract and find the information that is required. We include:

  • Electric Surveillance
  • Hidden Camera Detection
  • Tapped Phones
  • Ethical Hacking
  • Computer Forensics
    • Deleted information recovery
    • Hidden information discovery
    • Email data and more

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(713) 999-0880

4660 Beechnut St #200 Houston TX 77096

Open Everyday from 8am-5pm